April 12, 2023
《So Wonderful Festival》戶外音樂節:TAEYANG太陽、FERG、Jeremy Zucker、9m88 等國內外超強表演陣容即將登場!
《So Wonderful Festival》戶外音樂節:TAEYANG太陽、Jeremy Zucker、9m88 等國內外超強表演陣容即將登場! 2023/04/12 今年初夏,So Wonderful Festival 將在 6 月 3 日於桃園陽光劇場舉辦一場充滿夏日氛圍的音樂饗宴!今年 2/28 So Wonderful Festival 甫舉辦了《So Wonderful Festival – The Prelude 前章》,邀請了包含 FKJ、恐龍的皮、LÜCY以及落日飛車薩克斯風手 – 黃浩庭等超強的國內外陣容演出。而這次 So Wonderful Festival 的正式活動也將有全球大咖音樂人雲集,讓你不用出國就能體驗國際盛典,愜意地躺在草地享受音樂,用 Chill 到不行的心情與好友們開啟完美的夏天。 《So Wonderful Festival》獨家邀請重量級表演陣容,以多元曲風為觀眾創造美好的聽覺饗宴:首推便是魅力十足的Taeyang太陽將擔任音樂節壓軸!許久未推新作的太陽,今年剛攜手BTS防彈少年團Jimin釋出新曲〈VIBE〉引發爆炸性的反應,更宣布本月將發行睽違五年的全新專輯,而《So Wonderful Festival》正是他重磅回歸後,除了韓國以外的海外第一站演出。日本的知名音樂祭 Summer Sonic 也才剛公佈Taeyang太陽參與今年八月的Summer Sonic,也代表六月的活動中,所有的粉絲將會搶先全球看到他的回歸驚喜大秀。與Taeyang太陽同屬YG旗下音樂廠牌 The Black Label 的Jeon Somi全昭彌及LØREN李聖俊也將站上音樂節舞台,以俏皮曲風走紅的Jeon Somi因歌舞雙全的形象擄獲廣大歌迷的心,樂壇新星LØREN近期則被廠牌 88rising 相中簽下,更將在4月中登上美國加州舉行的知名音樂祭Coachella,創作才華備受世界矚目,兩人都將跟隨師兄的腳步訪台,為觀眾帶來精彩演出。 喜愛獨立音樂的觀眾,千萬別錯過美國超人氣創作新銳 Jeremy […]
Read full articleJune 22, 2017
Wonderful Rebrands Identity with Public Marking
We asked the designers over at Outfit Branding & Design (a division of Public Marking) to give our logo and identity a new look.
Wonderful wanted to reposition itself to appeal to both corporate sponsors and Western artists breaking into the Asia market.
Through our Discovery phase, we found a company that understands the tenacity, savviness, and agility needed to succeed in the event and music industry, as well as the mystery and magic that characterizes its talent and events. We developed a promise to “Work Wonders” and built a logo and visual identity that exude the energetic, exciting, and uncanny personality behind Wonderful.
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